
Friday 13.05.2016 Le Saphonian, une eolienne innovante inspiree des voiliers antiques. Une entreprise tunisienne, Saphon Energy, s’est inspir e des voiliers. A new type of wind turbine is poised to leap onto the wind power scene, this time without blades, twice as efficient and half the price of conventional. El viento es una de las fuentes de energ a m s limpia que existe. Sin embargo, por desgracia, tiene algunos l mites. Las turbinas de viento son costosas. These 7 innovations from Africa are not only great technological feats, but they have the potential to improve millions of lives around the globe. INVENTOR INDEX. AAA--- ABOLAFIA : Static Field Converter ADAMS : Cesium Eliminator ADAMS : ElectroBiochemical Reactor ADAMS.